To celebrate the kindergarten's excellent
Ofsted inspection results, they had a party on Thur 24 Mar. They received an "Outstanding" report and most of the parents were not surprised, as we felt the kindy has always been a great place for the kids to flourish under the guidance & care of the Steiner teachers. It was a meaningful event to show appreciation for the teacher's dedication & hardwork, and we were happy to be there to be part of it. I baked my orange chiffon cake (which received a surprising praise from a mom - she mentioned to her other friends that this cake at first looked like a "bread" but when she ate it, it is really soft & tasty! I was beaming!)
(Orange Chiffon Cake, made using Angel Cake Pan given to me by Angel - Yes, that's her name! TQ very much Angel!)
Earlier on in the morning, we went out to get some roses for the teachers. It was Shean Wenn's idea - she had been asking me if she could give her teachers flowers for a long time, so I thought this would be a good occasion to do so. We then went home & wrapped them up in bright colourful "Origami" papers I had bought the week before. So useful and made the flower-bouquet so cheerful!
There was a room prepared by the teachers for exhibition of the children's work & various projects that the kindergarten has done. I quickly spotted some cute artwork from the kids below the counter. In each of the kindergarten's room, there is this section (as shown below) which is like a pantry. They use it to bake, or prepare some of the kids' meal (cutting and some simple cooking). Everytime when the teachers bake, the aroma fills the air and I LOVE this!

Can you spot Shean Wenn's artwork?? Here it is!

This must be her "body-less portraits" phase. She now draws people with a body, limbs (and fingers) and hair.
Chalk-drawing on the pavement! I love how they have free-reign to express themselves. A few times when I came to pick her up from kindy and get a nice surprise as I stepped into the school - I can't help but admire the chalk-artwork the kids/teachers have done on the pavement. Very cute!
In one of the rooms, they have a wooden horse which the kids love to go on.
I took a couple of photos of the Easter decoration (which was celebrated 2 week later) in the kindy. The below must be an "Easter tree" handmade by the teachers, branches being picked form the garden, flowers were made by paper and possibly stuck together with the kids and on it, are hung the kid's handiwork : Clay in some Easter shapes.

I spotted Shean Wenn's piece, which is a pink bunny!
We went home 2 hours later well-fed and happy!