Tuesday 5 March 2013

Adventures in a New School

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After being in the waiting list for almost 2 years, the state school called up 2 weeks ago to inform us that there was a space available for Shean Wenn. When I got the call, I had mixed feeling about it - she is doing so well in her current school and not only adjusting well but also coming in leaps & bounds in her reading, maths & comprehension. On the other hand, this state school is only 5mins drive from our place and we would "save" a lot in school fees (state school is of course FOC), and she already has a few friends in the school (but all of them in different classes/years).

So, after putting a lot of thought into it, we have decided to accept the offer. She started her new school this week.

Day 1 in her new school :

"Mummy, my teacher says she is very impressed with me"
"Is that so? Why is she so impressed?"
"Because she says my handwriting is very neat . And I am also very quiet in class, I don't talk over her like some other kids, especially some boys. You know I can't even hear the teacher when the boys talk over her!"

Day 2 in her new school :

She told me during dinner "Mummy, Fred says he likes me a lot!"
My eyes went wide, "WHO IS FRED? Is he a boy???" (My mind was whirling about all the possibilities!)

But, Fred is of course the frog in Ruth Miskin's Phonics Teaching. Fred makes an appearance in class very often to help with phonics for kids this age. Boy, am I glad Fred is a frog!

It has been an exciting week so far for her and she has been made so welcomed in her class too. So grateful for this!


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