Wednesday 7 December 2005

Double 7.

The anxiousness of this morning went smoother than i had imagined. After breakfast, I proceeded to read up and try to cram as much as i can into the little brain in anticipation of what may lie ahead.

The agreed time was 11.30am but at 11am, the call came. We introduced ourselves and the process began. I gave a brief introduction of my past experiences and at the end, he managed to comment "Alot of numbers crunching then!". Yes. I hope it's a good thing.

It was quite a pleasant conversation with a duration of 45 mins.
At the end of it, I guess i have managed to persuade him that my past experiences were of good use to this role :) But there are tests, of course. Numeracy test and writing tests to ensure that I will be a fit Analyst.

I will probably know the outcome soon. Hope all goes well!

the interview
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