The Father-In-Law (FIL) is in town on his way from London to Mel. He went to London with the BIL for a holiday, staying at the hub's pad intermittently while they go on journeys in and around Europe. I brought him to my once "best in the world" char-siew place in Tengkak Tung Shin. Wanted to bring him there a few times prior but it's always closed. Today it was open. Lucky us. I haven't ate here for a long time, must've been more than half a year. The place is still the same - shophouse in a period property is charming, together with the grime, and heat should always whet our (M'sians) appetite! *_* Unfortunately, the char-siew this time around wasn't as good. Has the standard deteriorate or that my taste-bud had just simply changed? Well.. FIL said the char-siew tasted different. I guess it isn't as great as it used to be anymore!
After lunch, i sent FIL back to his apartment and he passed me pressies from the Hubs! Hubs got me this ...

Actually he brought it back in Sep during the wedding but we did not manage to unlock the phone as the shops here just didn't have the software yet. (It was still very new then) So he brought it back to UK to unlock. One thing i love about the phone is the camera (3.2 Mega Pixels yo!). Besides that, i really can't get used to the size - too petite for my big hands! Plus, i am just too used to my old phone with BIG SCREEN. I like not squinting to read texts, play games.. thank you very much! But besides that, it's packed with awesome features (feaures that I appreciate and need, not the Nokia-aesthetics type). I would silver, but Vodafone UK did not have that alternative colour. Bummer. Anyways.. it's time for me to get used to this demure phone. (Mind you, it's too demure for me).
I played their games till 2am... my eyes!!!!
I went for a pedi with EC in the afternoon. It was her birthday and i treated her to a pamper session at my usual pedi-mani place. She's an excellent company and we went for a drink afterwards and chatted more. I wish for more girly times like these... Actually just having a drink and catching up with good friends are my favourite pastime during the weekends. She is one I absolutely enjoy being in the company with. (Being an INTP, I noticed I get along very well with people who are like her - ESFPs)
Woke up this morning REALIZING that i direly need to finish up my Category Plans for 2007 for tomorrow's meeting. I have decided to prepare only 2 out of my 5 or more categories. The reason being is that the rest is just too small a cat to plan for.
But the body is tired and hungry.. my breakfast ended up stretching till 11am, in bteween, i even managed to nap for abit! o_O
After lunch, i decided to do some analysis in prep... and realised i have too many slides to do. Anywhoo.. i went to work and did not stop till 5.30 when hubs called. We chatted for abit before i decide that I was too hungry. We hung up and i went down to devour half the Chocolate Indulgence (cake) that I bought in the afternoon. I am going to savour the other half for tonight incase I decide that I need to burn the midnight oil on this :(
Boohoo... wht a weekend. I absolutely detest having to work on a weeked. But well.. i'll just look forward to this Fri when the dept's heading to Avillion for our weekend family away day - NO WORK INVOLVED, just relaxation!
OOPS.. look at the time! Still have another cat plan to prepare for.
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