Photo edited by my friend ES
The photo above was edited by a good friend,
ES aka pixel. Thanks ES! See the original photo
Under the weather
It was inevitable. The hubs came down with the cold for almost 2 weeks and within a few days, Shean Wenn has caught it from her dad. I was still alright then, but finally succumbed to the cold virus last week. And that was the reason why I did not update this blog. It was torturous, especially with a baby (although she is not feeling well) who is so energetic! She will still wrestle with me to NOT DRINK her water whenever I try to feed some to her. At the end of each session, I will be SO EXHAUSTED I will need to put her down and get a rest myself.
Now, 1 week later, I am slowly but surely recovering... thanks to Superdrug's Vit C effervescent which I diligently drink everyday. It is difficult to care for a baby when you are feeling under the weather.
A walk in the park
The hubs, SIL and I brought Shean Wenn to the park for a little walk after a buffet session (for the adults!) one fine Sunday. This is the Kensington Garden where there is a Memorial Park for the late Princess Diana. During this brisk (and brief) walk, we even managed to take a few photos.
At "The small field of flowers" in memory of Princess Diana
During the night - in specific, the midnight feed, Shean Wenn will usually fall asleep on her own when I put her down after the feed. She usually dozes off after a few small cries. I also noticed she will rub her head vigorously side-to-side before falling asleep. A quick check with Tobey's mom and she confirms that he does that too. And this "habit" makes the hair at the back of her head crumpled up like dreadlocks and created a little bald patch too!
During the day, she usually does not fall asleep on her own easily. There would be more protests (read : crying) or completely refuses to sleep on her own eventhough I can see that she is very tired. After a few cuddles from me, then she will be able to fall asleep on my arms.
But I am determined to "train" her to sleep - and without swaddling. I am not swaddling her anymore as she is slowly out-growing the muslin cloth. It is not an easy task. She likes the freedom of both hands out, but yet has not learnt how to not stir herself up everytime she moved them after almost falling asleep. At the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state, one or both of her hands will just need to move abit, and she'll be jerked from her sleep and get startled. Then the process will repeat... sometimes she does not get to go back to sleep and will wake up wide-eyed! And if she sees mommy around, she will flash a big smile (and melt my heart)at her, if she does not, she will scream to get her attention... and if I do not get there in time, start to cry. Oh boy, what am I to do with her?
She finally falls asleep... Sshhhhh...
Watching telly
Since she has turned 3 months and 2 weeks, I thought it was the right time to introduce some television to her. My programme of choice was of course
The Baby Einstein Series. At first, I showed her the Baby Mozart... and like me, she found it extremely boring! (She pays very little attention to it when I switches it on and prefers to look around her instead. This went on for a few days and I decided to give up on that video) Next, I put in one that Daphne, my SIL gave us. It was the "Animals in my Yard" - and after a few times watching it, I think she finds it quite interesting although she does lose concentration after awhile. But better than nothing! Sometimes she even shrills while watching it halfway. I am not sure if her shrilling is due to something she was watching, or she is just practicing her laughter! But boy oh boy.. does it put a smile on my face when she laughs. :)
The hubs sometimes will put her on his lap to watch various other programmes - Rugby, Football, news, and even our all-time favourite
Top Gear. So don't be surprised if she grows up to like these programmes. :P
And one day, when I spread out the mat and put some toys there for her to play, she chose to stare at the TV instead! (It was some property shows I am so fond of watching) Hehe, hmmmm... I wonder if I should limit her intake of TV programmes?
All the toys but she chose to stare at the telly!
Week 17 Stats
Weight : 5.85kg (Lost some weight due falling sick)