Friday, 21 December 2007

Such GIANT services.

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My experiences shopping at the local hypermarket.

1. Me looking for the nappies/diapers section.

I spotted a friendly shop assistant. I approached her.

Me : Excuse me. Hi. May I know where is the nappy section??
She : **scratches head** Nappy? Huh?
Me : Mmm.. ok, you know, nappies? Diapers? Untuk diguna oleh bayi? (For used by babies)
She : Oh. Nappy! *Points to the kitchen section*
Me : Uh, no. Bukan, saya sedang cari nappies - untuk bayi. (I'm looking for nappies - for babies)
She : Oh, NAPKINS. *she corrected me. And proceeded to point to the right location.*
Me : o_O Uuuh, Ok. Thanks.

2. It's bear-y clean

Cutest Teddy Bear, originally uploaded by fcphoto.

After browsing many minutes at the nappies section, I proceeded to browse at the babies section (I do like browsing at merchandising/merchandise since I used to work in this area). I stood at the end of the isle for something that must be for toys. Before I change isle, an employee appeared from the other end and stopped right infront of some (soft toy) bears. He must've not seen me because what he did next was appalling! He stood there for 2 seconds (perhaps deciding which one to take) and reached out for one of them. He took a medium-sized bear, and used it to rub his nose several times. Eeeeew! I was aghasted. I did not move, frozen in my position.. partly, perhaps hoping he'd see me and getting to see his reaction that he has been found out - a look of shock, embarassment.. ? But no. He did not glance to his left. He put the bear back. Stood there for another 5 seconds before he decided that his nose has been thoroughly wiped clean.

Totally bizarre... and not in a good way.


So there, wonderful tales from Malaysia.

And no, I did not bring back a cuddly bear from this hypermarket that is synonymous with "everyday low prices, big variety and great value." Oh no, NO.

Friday, 14 December 2007

Week 25 to 27 : Photojournal

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(Still cannot sit unsupported, but getting there)

More photos of Shean Wenn in Malaysia.

(With 'Poh-Tou' (means great-grandma in Hainanese))

(With grandma and grandpa)

("Going out - hat for protection from the glaring sun! Dad chose it for me")


She loves laughing and smiling to the slaves family! As grandpa would put it, she is so "ticklish".. she would just burst out laughing/squeeling whenever someone speaks to her or plays with her.

(Sitting on the bean bag watching her favourite Baby Einstein's Neighbourhood Animal)

Happy Birthday, Yen!

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How young?

Shean Wenn arrived just in time for my sister's birthday on the 12th!

With the slaves family..

May you be blessed with good people, prosperity, health and happiness.. all year round, every year!

M, SW and sis.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

The diligent crawler

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She woke up early in the mornings,
eyes-bright, legs a-thumping;
She utters nothing,
just huffing and puffing;
As she continues to struggle to move forward..
when infact, she is doing very well backwards!
And when she reaches the end,
she hollers "Can you give me a hand?"!

(Timestamp - 7:59:32am)

(Timestamp - 8:18:28am)
(I found her in her cot, legs dangling out)

A new step in the next milestone : Crawling!

Sunday, 9 December 2007

1st Week back

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(Preoccupied with the mirror....)

This is Shean Wenn's first time in KL and she has been adjusting well... much better than I expected. Her maiden plane journey has also gone pretty well (relatively. Relative to Tobey and some other babies), as she managed to slumber a few hours combined. And I get to rest as well.

Coming home, she is showered with lots of attention and she basks in being in the centre of attention. She will coo, squel and chat in excitement.. charming her great-grandma, grandparents and uncle and aunties.

She also met my friends - WL and MVO came to visit on Saturday.

On Sunday, CG came to pick us up for lunch at BV2.

(Shean Wenn patiently sits in her stroller while chatting with mummy)

Getting her into the car took me 5 minutes. She happily sat on her stroller while mummy was catching up with CG and Prav in Delicious. SK, ML and baby Tobey could not make it this time. I fed her as soon as we sat down in Delicious as it was already her feed time. Delicious's staff happily obliged me with my requests for a pair of scissors (to cut open the RTD formula milk), more serviettes and hot water. Well done!

("Can I have a pair of scissors to cut open my RTD, please?", I requested)

After her feed, she happily sat down while I ate my lunch, which was their Duck Confit Spaghettini (verdict : MOST YUMMY!). CG brought along his SLR and snapped some photos of her. She wasn't in her most jovial some of the time... but CG did manage to snap some lovely shots of her!

("Listening attentively to Praveen koko talk")

SW loved it when Praveen chatted to her... she looked at him attentively and gave some of her own comments as well! :)

(Our first outing back in KL - 9 Dec 2007)

After a hearty lunch (Thanks Prav and CG for the great company and good lunch), CG and us headed for a walk around BV2.... and finishing the day with a cuppa at *bucks!


Friday, 7 December 2007

We are here...

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thx, originally uploaded by Tsu Lin.

Hot - Sunshine everyday

Humid - It's been raining alot since we came back and I was joking to the family that Shean Wenn brings rain since the same happened when she was born (it rained almost everyday for 2 weeks and Britain's got hit by the worst flood in many years).

How things work - .. or DOES NOT WORK. Was looking for a payphone at KLIA when I touched down. Out of the 12 there, only 2 worked. Classic!

Beautiful! I miss the sunshine so much. Shean Wenn has been coping well since here. Not even suffering from jetlag. More photos will ensue.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Northampton : A visit to see Tobey

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We thought we should reciprocate the chip-pea's visit some months back and went to visit baby Tobey - Shean Wenn's friend, up North in Northampton. It was a Friday and the hubs was on leave so we left the house at 9.30am, expecting a drive of 1.5-2.0 hours.

We reached the chip-pea's semi-detached house at 11am. We were early. ML (Tobey's mom) lead us in and we found baby Tobey sitting in his mattress in the living room. He greeted us by giving us a warm smile and bouncing up and down on his mattress, that boy is such a cheerful baby! He noticed Shean Wenn immediately and kept glancing at her. While hubs was taking SW out of her carseat to join Tobey to play on his mattress, Tobey kept tilting his head to his side to try to glance over hub's shoulders to peak at her! How adorable.

The two babies immediately warmed up to each other. Tobey allowed SW to play with his toys, and both of them chatted away (by "chatting", I mean baby-talk). And when Mommy Tobey asked Tobey to "sayang Shean Wenn", you know what he did? He put his hands on SW's face and "sayang"-ed her - Awwwwww.... how sweet is that? And then, he even pecked Shean Wenn a few times on her forehead and cheeks! Such a charmer, that boy!

"Tobey go "sayang" Shean Wenn", mommy chip-pea says.

Tobey trying to give Shean Wenn a friendly peck on the cheek!

Both photos courtesy of the chip-pea

We then drove to Milton Keynes to meet up with SK for lunch. The chip-pea bought us a lovely lunch of dim-sum. It was good catching up with them.

Then as SK goes back to work, the 5 of us (3 adults and 2 babies) went to the Milton Keynes mall for a walk. In the mall, they were having their christmas display, and boy, what glorious display! Very interesting for babies and kids.

The talking toad christmas display

There was a carousel in the midst of this Christmas display and ML bought tickets for us to go ride on it! Woohooo... I must admit, I think I had more fun than the babies. It was my first time going on a carousel. :P

Going round and round.
"Mommy's first time in a carousel" : Here with the chip-peas.

After the ride, ML and I went over to Mothercare where I found a bathing suit for SW at discount (for our impending trip back to the Equator)! *Glee*

We finally left (with a heavy heart) MK mall at 415pm, and got stuck in the (notorious) M25 traffic jam for 2 hours! We got back home at 7.15pm, a total of 3 hours on the road coming back. Ok, we should really avoid going out of or coming into London on a Friday.

Read the chip-pea's version here.

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