Woke up to beautiful weather. And after secretly grumbling about how I felt "cheated" of my 1-hour sleep due to Daylight Saving Time, we ended up leaving the house at 1130am for quick grocery shopping (2 hours to chinese gorcery shop and tesco).Today is also officially British Summer time (but wait a minute, what happened to spring??).
Lunch was postponed from 12pm, to 1.15pm, to 2.30pm. We arrived right on time at Gold Mine for the duck I've been looking forward to the whole week! SIL Alicia arrived 10mins later. After lunch, we headed to Whiteley's for a quick look-around. I even managed to grab something from H&M.
Headed over to her place. She was cooking Hainanese Chicken Rice (it's authentic because we are hainanese) for us tonight. Teehee! I had a haircut appointment at 430pm near her place and Etsuko, the hairstylist did a great job too! Alicia's chicken rice is da bomb!! (Besides my grandma's hainanese chicken rice) I asked her for recipe but she mumbled about "just put alot of ginger and garlic". Hmmm... somehow I don't think it's as easy as she described. Her rice is infused with the aroma of ginger, garlic and spring onions and one mouthful of it is "like eating nectar from the heavens" (*). I think she is keeping the recipe a secret. Hubs thinks she should cook it every fortnight for us - I agree. If only Alicia will buy into it too.
My haircut


After dinner, she asked if we wanted dessert. (If you know me, you'd know it's pointless to ask - OF COURSE, BRING IT ON!) She then brought out a box - inside of it was, as I was about to find out - the birthday cake! Awww, I'm so touched. She has taken great lengths to buy it, looking at Selfridges first, and then Harrods and a few more before finding the right one at Fortnum and Mason. She described the cake but my mind was not there, I only heard it's got mascarpone cream and blueberries. Whatever, it was delicious and did not disappoint!

(My smallest (and probably the most expensive) birthday cake; 3 is a very big number?)
Anyway, tomorrow will be my official day of turning the big 30. I am not prepared for it. It feels like I'm stuck in a time-warp, wanting to forever stay 23! I remember when I was fresh out of uni and first started work, I permed my hair to look more "mature" (to look 30)... and then now, at 29/30, I've still got my hair permed. I think it's time for me to change my hairstyle so I can look 23. :)
31 Mar
Also, I've decided to change the header/banner of TsuLin ++ to incorporate what this blog is about - the life of SW! Thanks again Praveen for the birthday gift (my domain name).
(I actually wanted to write something really witty and funny about turning 30. But it's late and I had a long day and yeah, it's probably only an excuse ;P)
(*) : from Fluff-friends feed descriptions.
PS : Those of you in M'sia, please turn on your tv-s and watch Yvonne Foong talks about Neurofibromatosis. Please support this brave young woman's cause.

I like the title. Nice work with the header too. You're a creative genius. Maybe it comes with age? Hah Hah.
Hope you have a great Monday. Perhaps you can write about turning 30, tomorrow?
Happy 30th Birthday Tsu Lin.
Turning 30 is not as bad as it seems!You're surrounded by your love ones and think of all the joys SW and Meng has brought.
Happy Birthday! This year must be extra special since SW is there to share it with you.
Happy Birthday! Your new hairdo looks great! Did you pay a bomb for it?
@Praveen : Thanks. I will just take the comment about "coming of age" with stride and take it as a compliment!
@Daphne : Thanks for the wishes. Not complaining about what I have (or don't have). Just lamenting how nice it'll be if I'm 23.
@Siew : Yes it is!!! :)
@ Roslyn : Well, it's not too cheap nor expensive, but I guess since I only go to the stylist once or twice a year, it works out to be reasonable. :P Do I make sense??
I don't go to any hairdresser here simply because I think they don't really know how to cut our hair. Sounds crazy but I cut my own hair. Since I cut my hair short when I went back to Singapore for a holiday in Dec, I've yet to need to cut it which is good!
I'm a few years older than you leh!
@Roslyn : I know what you mean! Which is why I only go to Asian hairdressers. I don't think the "ang mohs" know how to handle our hair texture.
Hello dear. Thank you for promoting the show. Happy 30! So,what does it feel like? Keke... no just kidding.
I'm off to college now. ciaoz!!
Happy Birthday! Nice work on your header. Is that done with Photoshop?
Yvonne : How was the Tv appearance?? Did you tape it up?
KC Tan : Thanks! Yes, the header is done using Photoshop and some of the embelishments were used from scrapbook kit freebies I downloaded. :)
Unfortunately, no. I thought NTV7 could get me a record since that's what they did last time. Oh well... may there be many more next times until I don't bother recording! grin.
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