Every Wednesdays, I bring her to the Steiner/ Waldorf Playgroup I found a month ago. We have been here 3 times so far. This week was our third time. Katie, the facilitator was on leave and another person was to take over. Somehow, she could not be contacted. So there was no facilitator around. The class was only me, Chloe and a new dad with our 4 kids! And since Katie was not around, I took out my cameraphone and snapped a few photos of SW in the class. I had to do it quick and fast as not to annoy the other parents. (I also try not to photograph the other kids incase their parents throw a hissy fit!)

As usual, she really enjoyed herself here and it's a pity that she still couldn't join the rest during "outdoor" playtime as there wasn't an area suitable for non-walkers. I did however manage to entertain her by leading her by her hands to "walk around" (she does that pretty well now). She can hold on one of my hands and walk about. We walked on a plank a few times... she even sat on a slide - there was this sweet little girl (Charlotte) who simply adores SW! She kept her entertained and even volunteered to put SW on her lap sliding down the slides! What an adorable little girl.
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