You gotta love McDonald's : Ice-cream, french fries, chicken nuggets & face painting! The ice-cream keeps them quiet for awhile.

(The happy, the ladybird, the lion, the birthday girl (butterfly) & her sister)
Last Saturday Shean Wenn attended her first McDonald's party. The birthday girl Joyee turned 4 and is a very girly girl, her fav colours are pink, purple & she loves cats! So I got her a pink watch with cats on the dial & strap. I think she should like it. Shean Wenn enjoyed herself, she even handpicked her outfit - the dress & the boots. She loves her boots, this girl.
eh... fast food bad for kids... dont expose them to it so young lah.
Heh Zewt. Thanks for your concern. We don't bring her to fastfood restaurant very often. Probably once or twice a year. Lucky for her, I don't like to eat fastfood anyway. ;P
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