Finally, the day I have been waiting for!
At first I was a little sad that I would not be sending her off for her 1st day of nursery since I was summoned for Jury Duty. But I managed to defer it for 2 more weeks so that I could help settle her in for her first 2 weeks of nursery.
She went to bed last night with cold & sneezes and woke up the same but she was still looking very much forward to school. We packed her bags on Friday and I have put a set of clothes & plenty of underwear & socks for her in a a bag and she has her own bagpack which has her plimsolls/slippers (for indoors), her upsy-daisy doll & hankerchief. This morning before we went out the door, she reminded me "Mummy, did you put my panties inside?" I told her I put them in the big bag but she wanted me to put one in her own backpack. I quickly took one out from the big bag & put it into her backpack - which is a giraffe-shaped bag. She is happy.
We then walked the 20mins to nursery with her sitting in her stroller, some uphill tasks here for me. AT the nursery, because she has been here on many occasions for playgroups since she was 9MO, she settled in very well after I made sure she went to the toilet & changed her into her outdoor clothes. I waved her goodbye & said I'd be back to pick her up later. She was busy playing in the sandpit with her friend Karmen (Kaka). I then walked the whole 20mins back again home & on my way, wondered what I should do with "so much time"!!! I had GRAND PLANS of preparing tonight's dinner (satay) & making sambal, and of course, preparing her lunch so she could come back to warm food. But it is already 1030am now and I haven't started on anything. Are you even surprised?? Haha.
Anyway, it's been a good day so far, sunny & warm-ish (about 18c). I'm liking this.
she = so adorable :))))))))))
u = proud mommy
That's the cutest backpack ever!
Have fun at the first day of school Shean Wenn!
And you enjoy your day, babe!
She looks so happy in the photos! She must enjoy going to school.
That's not a giraffe bag! Looks like a bug with the tongue sticking out!
Well, I thought it was sponge bob with tongue sticking out.
Thanks everyone.. she really does like school! I notice everytime I go pick her up, she gets moody & grumpy, not sure why. She actually doesn't need to bring a backpack to school, but it was to "hype up" her enthusiasm lah.. and she delights in it. Whatever works, man.
Just dropping by to say Hi.. Your little girl is such a sweet darling, Tsu Lin!
Keep blogging!
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