This afternoon, after being reprimanded by me for trying to destroy one of the new books that I bought for her, I found her standing infront of the kitchen one hand holding her Bunny soft toy named "Hoppy" and almost bursting into tears. I knelt down and stroked her hair. "Yes, darling?"

She burst out into tears and mumbled "I only love you twelve"
"What? Oh, I love you too!"
"No! I love you only twelve", she said adamantly between sobs.
"And I love Hoppy infinity plus nine!"
It's funny how she thinks she is punishing me now by loving me Infinity-plus-three less than her Hoppy. Haha. Well, in no time she'll love me Infinity Plus Nine again! I am sure of that!
I don't think she loves you any less when reprimanded but I do sure hope she says she loves you infinity + 9 again soon!
OK! May i confess: you stopped blogging for The Longest Time, and I was worried something had happened. So glad to see you back online.
@Melissa : Yeah, you're right of course. I guess it's her way of letting me know she is hurt. LOL
@Lotus? Aww, i didn't know you read my blog, but do know I linger at yours.
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