(Shean Wenn's pink classic #1 cake)
Meng and I organised Shean Wenn's birthday with a lunch on Sunday 22 June 2008 with family and close friends in our favourite chinese restaurant near our place - One which we frequent almost every weekend. Afterall, we chinese just love our food so we thought of getting people together to eat, drink (chinese tea, what did you expect) and be merry was a good way of celebrating our first born's first birthday!
Two weeks before the celebration, invitations were sent. We had about 2 tables of family and friends joining us (20 adults plus 2 babies, SW included).
I had half expected the day to be rainy, but it turned out to be pretty sunny and pleasant.
We had arranged with the restaurant (since we knew the manager) for a starters of dim sums (4 different variety) and then a full-on 8-course meal! A friend of mine commented to me "What? Are we having dinner for lunch?". Well, yes. We think it's quite appropriate to stuff friends. I wouldn't complain if I get fed good food. And it was indeed a pretty good meal.

(Ginormous Talbot Fish - Very FRESH!)

In between lunch (we needed to pace our stomachs for the 8-course meal), the two babies (Shean Wenn and her friend Tobey) got re-acquainted and had a good time playing with each other, supervised by the parents, of course.
Tobey seen helping SW out with her pressies.
After lunch, it was dessert and cake-cutting time. We bought SW's cake (in the shape of the number 1) from Patisserie Valerie with the Double Chocolate Dream filling with the decoration from their "Classic Pink" range.

(With some of daddy's friends)

Her presents!
She can't wait to tear off the wrappers, and went inspecting every present while having her afternoon milk. This is what you call dedication!

(Please tag your presents on my flickr page - click on this image to go there)
Read the chip-pea's account here
SW's ONE! May you continue to bring joy and laughter to your parents. Hai! Pity my invite got lost in the mail. :p
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