I had GRAND plans.
"I will bring Shean Wenn swimming almost everyday", I announced to the hubs before Shean Wenn and I flew back to KL.
He protested slightly, "Isn't she too young? Isn't the water too cold?"
"Are you sure she can swim at such a young age?"
"What a worry wart! Of course she can swim. One is never too young to swim", I quipped and beamed.

So I bought her a swimming suit. I looked everywhere for a suitable one. Bikinis or a one-piece suit? I opted for the one-piece suit afterall. I found it in Mothercare and it was on sale. I was happy, I tried it on her to see if it will fit, it did.
I even bought her the swimming diapers - those that will not soak up water and be bloated when she goes wading in the baby pool. All 12 of it in a pack.
I packed them in the suitcase and waited to come back to warm and humid KL and jump into the pool with her.
And 3 weeks ago, I even bought her a swimming float. Tested her out on her seat (it fits!).
It's been one and a half months since we came back and the total number of times I have brought her to the pool : ZERO!
I am such a "hero".

And look at how happy she is in her float. Now, imagine her in the pool in it. I think my husband need not worry at all about her being cold. With the rate I'm going, I hope to bring her to the pool at least once before we return! Or else I will need to think of what to do with 12 disposable swimming diapers.
were you by annnny chance at delicious at bangsar village last friday for lunch? thought i saw someone who looked like you from afar...
nice bathers by the way and not once to the pool? LOL!
aaaawww... gosh! i thought i am the queen of procrastinator, i guess you top me. heh-heh-heh...
nice suit and cute diaper (i don't even know they exist, sl has been swimming without one since 3mth ago), don't let them go to waste!
mom2ashley : YES YES I was there! Were you lunching there too?
siew : Yes, I am the queen mother of procrastinor. :P
I doubt I can finish using it. It (the diapers) says it's suitable for 7-12kg. I can pass some to SY and let her pass to you if you want.
OK, better teach her swimming early. Or risk learning it as the only adult in a pool full of 5 year olds =)
Praveen : You sound like you are talking from experience. Aren't you?
Graduated summa cum laude in breaststroke swimming from the Sunway Swimming Club, August 2007 =)
**Clap clap** Congrats congrats! Another feather to your hat. :)
Now, all there is left are SCL for freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, and perhaps life-saving!
Actually, I had the same problem as you (being in the pool full of 5yo's).. and I was only 7! :P :P
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