I redeemed myself by turning my "GRAND PLAN" into a reality - I took her swimming at the club today!
I had trepidation before that : anticipating her to cry upon contact with the "cold" water, or cry after awhile especially when some water splashes onto her face. But no, she impressed me by taking to it like (as cliche as it sounds) duck to water! Good job, SW.

Thanks also the 2 days of extremely hot weather here in PJ/KL. Bringing her to the pool today has been a good idea. My sister and I had fun splashing about with her in the pool. When we put her into her float, she sat there without fear or crying out, and taking in the whole experience pretty well - infact, I think she was also busy observing the other kids' and babies's antics around her. I told her to "kick kick" (something which I taught her since young when I bath her). She responds by kicking her legs for awhile, then it's back to observing those around her.
(Shean Wenn being comfortable in her swimming chair - "I can do this on my own")
At some point, 2 kids came over to play with her. They were about 3 and 5 year-olds and could paddle, swim and splash about very well. The boy and girl came over to her float and started cooing with her and also touching her. She looked at them rather suspiciously (if you know my daughter, you'd know it's only because she is "assessing" the situation/person/people). She approves of them since she also gave them a smile or two. The kids were quite curious of her and was trying to engage her to play along.. very cute. From the side of the pool, the kids' dad cautioned them not to "harass" her too much. I did not mind as they weren't being very pushy. But kids being kids, when daddy says "No", they moved along. Maybe they also got intimidated by my sister's (who was looking after SW) "stare" and "protectiveness" over SW by eagle-guarding her :P

Overall, it was a good experience. Shean Wenn slept in the car on the short journey home and woke up with such good mood! She played and laughed alot in the evening.

(In the pool with mum)
I hope I can bring her for more swimming sessions before we head back to the UK!
I must also add that her Huggies Swim Pants was EXCELLENT! It lived up to its name. I wonder how they design it?? Most interesting.
Congrats!!! She's SO cute in the pool. I oso wanna bring Tobey to swim, maybe when back in UK as we don't have a club here to go to just some public pool :(
Shean Wenn is sooo... cute in her swim suit. May I ask if I can find Huggies Swim Pant in Malaysia?
Aww... so cute. And finally she's in the water. Makes me recall SL's first experience in the pool. I would say their reactions are mainly surprised, curious, astonished and later, enjoyment.
she looks so cute!!! she did well eh?
chip-pea : Yes, swimming in UK would be quite a good idea - heated pools! Is there a good pool to swim?
kc tan : Hi, thanks for dropping by. I do not know if Huggies Swim Pants is available in M'sia because I never browsed that section since I didn't need it here. But I thought I remember seeing it at a glance, can't be sure.
siew : Yes, finally! I wanted SW to catch up with SL! Haha.. But u know what some poeple say? That babies are born 2 swim. Which is why I knew I had 2 start her soon or else she might forget about her natural ability.
mom2ashley : Thanks. Yes, she did well for a first-timer. :) (You still haven't answered my e-mail, btw)
TsuLin, it's time to update your blogz! Meep Meep!
Yvonne : Thanks for lingering around ... Been extremely busy these past weeks but will update very soon. :)
Hope all is well with you.
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