Both of them, these jetsetters grandparents, booked their tour from Australia many months ago. Infact, they have been planning to tour these countries for as long as 3 years but only got to do this now.
They were in London for about 1 week before they went on the tour and little Shean Wenn is very fond of them. Of course she is, they shower her with kisses, hugs, gifts and not to mention alot of FOOD. She now has a habit of "hovering" around our legs during mealtimes (breakfast, lunch, tea break and dinner) and "asking" (she will hit my thighs and then put her hands to her mouth, signing to eat) for food. After you feed her once, she keeps coming back for more - she will turn around, make a circle and head to the other side of your chair and repeat the same. Amusing yet it makes me think of her like a "cat". (Meow!)
The twelve days of absence of her grandparents seemed to pass in a jiffy though. Me and her, alone again (just the two of us)... we have our fair share of fun!
Anyway, where did they go? Both of them totally enjoyed their trip and brought back some souvenirs for Shean Wenn. But first, let's see where have they been?

Ahh, she is very glad granddpa and grandma are back! She is seen wearing a skirt (with pants) that they bought from their trip. Grandpa just flew back a few hours ago but grandma is still around. Needless to say, when they were in London, the four of us (both grandparents, me and SW) went out gallavanting - she had so much fun!
Breathtaking indeed. Look at SW, so happy and contented being carried by her grandpa. So sweet!
YES! She ADORES both of them. :)
ooo lovely lovely place they have been. *sigh* i wanna go holiday too. Maybe its time to get baby to sit and eat with you guys now :)
She can sit on her own highchair, that is what I was hoping to inculcate her to do (so that when she is older she doesn't run around during mealtimes).
Anyway, it's a plan, not sure if it can turn out. Never know. As it is now, she will sometimes lose interest in dinner on her highchair and I need to let her reign free (walk around) to encourage her to finish her dinner.
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