She is a sleep tosser on the bed (tossing, turning, flipping from one side to another, turning 180degrees, everywhere) and I suspect because of this, she cannot seem to soothe herself to sleep if tied down, and is therefore a complete NIGHTMARE when she is out travelling with us in the car. The regulations here state that she must be in a carseat, so lately when she is out with us in the car, and she happens to be in a sleepy mood, she will scream her lungs out (trying to get to sleep but cannot)! ANY attempts to pacify her is met with utter defiance ; those flailng arms pushing away the book/toy/object-of-pacification.
For the first 11 months of her life, I had actually thought "Wow, what a relatively easy baby I have" and have given a few pats on my back myself. Travelling with her was not too bad, yes she did have bouts of crying in the car (once for 2 hours travelling from Northampton back to London) but she was younger and she was probably not comfortable. We got used to having her to behave and co-operate during short and mid-distance car-rides. She can also fall asleep on her own (like most babies do as they love to sit in a car).
Well, the day has come. And I believe the MIL and FIL are quite afraid of her tantrums in the car, the FIL commented "You are such a lovely girl when you are not crying!". They saw the worst of her unfortunately. It also coincided with her turning one, perhaps this is just a run-down to the "Terrible Twos".. and yes, I have read that "Terrible Twos" can start anywhere form 1 year old to 2+. Sigh.
Anyway, I digress : back to her sleeping habit - I don't know; not willing perhaps, when I should be training her to sleep on her own. Her being a sleep-tosser does not help as, if I were to force her to fall asleep on her cot, there is just not enough space for her to maneuvre!
Ahh, space. This is what we lack in our box-like apartment in the beautiful(sarcasm, if you must know), overpriced real-estate in Metropolitan London.

Anyway, tonight I tried to put her to bed by plonking her in her cot - it took me 2 hours. It was a tug of war - she cries, stands up, calling for me. Me (cowering), sitting down looking at floor, trying to ignore her pleas. She, shouts more. Me, sing, talk - anything to distract her. She got distracted for abit. I tell her to sleep. She lies down, closes her eyes ("PLEASE PLEASE GO TO SLEEP" I prayed in my head), opens them again and climbs back up. *REPEAT CYCLE 30 TIMES*
Dare I try again tomorrow?
1 comment:
Trust me, it will get better, the sleep training that is.
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