Today is our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. Like all the past years, we did not celebrate
This morning I went to the gym in the morning for "Bums, Tums & Thighs" class and realised just how unfit I am. I was partnering this must-be-60plus indian lady & I think she moved faster than me. Then, towards the end of the class, I had "bum cramp" - I always have this when I do vigorous exercise and never knew it was a cramp. I always thought i had somehow sprained my back! Anyhow, the instructor came to me & told me how I can relieve the cramp: Lie down on my tummy with legs stretched out. Then fold one leg & hold it with the opposite hand for 10-15secs each leg. I did 4 sets & I felt better.
Today is also the 1st time I put Shean Wenn in a creche. 15 mins before my class starts, I brought her there with her water bottle, a change of clothes & some wipes. A carer held her hands & walked her into the room as I had to dash out to get a token for the Creche service. When I returned to the room, SW was quietly playing at the kitchen set area. I signed in for the creche, bid my farewell to her ("Mummy will be back ok? Love you!") & gave her a kiss. She didn't even bat an eyelid! I walked out feeling proud (that she didnt cling to me) and yet also a tinge of sadness (my girl is growing up so fast!).
After my class, I went to look for a friend of mine who is at the gym. Then, we both went to the creche to pick SW up. I showed my friend around the baby-gym area because she was thinking of bringing her own daughter there one day. After that, SW & I walked around the area near the gym (there is a town centre there). I spied a Primark* store there & excitedly went in to browse. I found a very thick rain mac for SW. There were only 2 sizes left, one for 2-3YO and another for 5-6YO. I asked a supervisor to check if there were any 3-4YO sizes & they came out telling there isn't any left. Left in a conundrum, I chose to buy the bigger size (5-6YO). I thought it's just slightly longer & i can fold the sleeves up. The 2-3YO fits just snugly & i was worried if during chilly times, the rain mac will not zip up well above all the thick clothes. When I showed Meng in the evening, he frowned & said it's too big. It isn't! Anyway, it is just an outerwear and she won't be wearing it that often. I think buying bigger size will do & it will last longer.
For dinner, I cooked pork ribs with chinese sauce and some vegetable. That was our "romantic" dinner. We wished each other a Happy Anniversary & proceeded to have our dinner. It was just like any other day.
Three years on, we have a beautiful 2YO daugher. I am very grateful for having all my family & loved-ones with me. I feel grateful that we have a roof over our head, more than enough food on the table, being able to experience the joy & laughter blessed to us in the form of Shean Wenn, good body and good health. Happy Anniversary to you, my (other) darling Meng!
On our honeymoon at Jeju Island, the guide told us that in Korean mythology, the "Tol-harubang" (pictured above, the statue next to me) which means Stone Grandfather is a God of fertility & the Koreans have a superstition that if you rub its nose, you will get a son. If you rub its ears, a daughter. Obviously, it remains a superstition/myth. Our guide also told us it wasn't true for them (he & his wife have a daughter as well - they are Russians).
*Primark : A value for money clothing retailer who offers plenty of fashionable choices which won't burn a hole in your pocket.