Upon touching down, I was down with the cold - full-blown with watery eyes, stucked and watery nose, sore-throat, the works. Took me a week to recover, that's 7 days of not quite enjoying Melbourne. Couldn't taste most of the food while I was there, which was a waste. Plus, while I was sick, the weather was so good - sun-shiney, warm and crisp. Perfect for our zoo-outing, swimming.. But when I have recovered, the weather turned cold and rainy, making all that impossible.
Well, at least we went for a swim once.
The in-laws : Grandma and grandpa Wong were thrilled to see Shean Wenn again. Afterall, the last time they saw her, she was merely 2 months old and can only manage a smile or two, and was learning to laugh.
And when we reached home form the airport, grandma brought out all the toys for the little girl. Her eyes lit up when grandma showed her the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Grand Piano. Sometimes when we put her infront of her piano, she will move her body from side-to-side (kinda like "dancing"), moving to the music! Very cute. She has now learned to appreciate music more. But after a few days, she would sometimes bang on the keyboard and when she is bored doing that, she would use the Grand Piano to pull herself up to stand. (She has learnt to stand for a couple of weeks now and is practicing really hard on this new skill)
She was also introduced to a Fisher Price monkey, but somehow her enthusiasm towards the monkey lasted only for a couple of days. She kept toppling the monkey over instead of crawling towards/with it!
"Chilling out with Elmo!!!"
It was CNY, a first for Shean Wenn, and most of the family was around to celebrate, minus SIL Daphne who is in Thailand (in the midst of her second pregnancy). MIL cooked up a storm for reunion dinner, yumms!
There's an old chinese tradition that says one should cut one's hair before the new year. As Shean Wenn has bald patches around her back which would not grow back, we thought it would be good to give her a "trim" to help stimulate hair growth. MIL was bestowed with this important task - out came the scissors and hey presto!
After a few days, I decided that to really stimulate hair growth, it's best to cut her hair BALD (well, almost). Mei, hub's regular hairdresser in Melbourne gave Shean Wenn a Number 1. She now looks like this :
The Bald and beautiful!
Cool haircut! Mine's a number 4 =) Hope all is well back in London!
ya-ha... nice haircut, another baldie in sl's club. btw, love the fp piano.
Praveen : Number 4 is like.. so non-bald, ok?
siew : Yes! SW just joined the baldie's club ^_^
And yeah, the Grand piano is so cool! Too bad we can't carry it back to London :P
SW still looks cute!!! Hope all is well in London.
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