Today (saturday) has been a very good day - Sunny with no rain. Since it was forecasted to be high of 20c, we made plans to try to spend as much time outdoors as we can.

(Finally, time to get out those summer clothes)
In the morning, Meng assembled Shean Wenn's toy (a 3-in-1 playgym-music board-rocker) for her since she loves the music coming out from the "piano board". He assembled the rocker for her since she has outgrown most of the others. See how she reacts to it... she still needs time to get used to sitting on the rocker, but she does like the music!!

(Trying out her rocker - gift from grandparents Wong)
We then had lunch at SIL's place and then went for a stroll along the Thames River (we parked at Meng's office which is just near to Tower Bridge) - took alot of photos with Shean Wenn. She enjoyed herself very much by people watching, there was nary a sound from her during the 2-hour stroll, how wonderful!!! She just sat in her stroller and observed her surrounding. I think it is very good for her to go out. If only everyday is as good as today.
(We start off with some obligatory photo taken with the Tower Bridge, next to daddy's office.)
Our stroll took us from Tower Bridge (#13) till slightly after South Bank Centre (#7), passed the Millenium Bridge and Tate Modern(#8). The journey walking from Tower Bridge and back took around 2 hours with a break for some gelato (cocount and watermelon flavours, if you must know. It was ambrosial. )

(Map courtesy of
And since the sun is out, so was everyone. Pubs and retsurants were filled to the brim with crowd taking full advantage of the good weather.
(On the Millenium Bridge, at the distance, you can see St Paul's Cathedral)
Overall, it was an extremely good day of walking. I thought I'd feel tired after the 2-hour walk, but I did not. Shean Wenn slept pretty good that night too, although she did wake up once at around 5am.
The next morning, we decided to take it easier and just ventured into the shops because the weather forecast was rainy, and also we needed to get some groceries.
Shean Wenn has been VERY clingy to me the past week - I attribute it to "teething". She will scream her lungs out whenever I am out of her sight... really stressful for the both of us as I find it difficult to do anything (cook, clean, work at the computer)!

(No teeth yet, but if you look closely, you will see her teeth breaking through the gums)
Yes, since I started Tob on his strolls again, he slept better as well, not a peep until 5-ish...fresh air does help!!! (or maybe their teeth cut through already, so not under too much pain anymore...he.he...)
It was indeed a lovely day! If only everyday's like that. Been raining since then. When you think it's time to take out all the summer clothes (which I did), the temperature drops again. Duh! Let's wish for more sunshine ya?
@Chip-Pea : I do hope everything that she is going through now, all the tantrums and cries are due to the teething and will not last long. *fingers cross*
@Roslyn : Yes, more sunshine please! I have been waiting to wear my summery clothes for waaaay too long. :)
aww i know that feeling. it's nice when the sun is out.....everybody is always so cheery and so happy just to celebrate a sunny day. *sigh* I miss those times...
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