This is the week in photos...
Mrs Chip-Pea thought it is a good idea to go out to town, just for a walk around. By the time we all got ready, it was already 1.30pm, and just when we stepped out of the house, it started to drizzle. Lightly, but still a little wet. We hopped onto the bus and it took us about 10minutes to reach town. I had to post a letter, so we went to the Post Office to do that. After that, it was time for lunch (for the adults). Mrs Chip-Pea brought us to the Chinese Restaurant and we ordered dim-sum while catching up on our lives (actually, I don't know how come we have so much to talk about considering we chat on MSN almost daily as well!).
Shean Wenn and Tobey were relatively well-behaved although after awhile (1.5 hours), they got abit restless.... Shean Wenn and Tobey are seen reading their books here.

It poured again when we were leaving the town to go home and we decided it is best to hop into the cab instead! And to my utter surprise, a Black Cab can ... yes, fit not only ONE, but TWO strollers in. Shean Wenn by now, is sleeping after her afternoon milk.. while Tobey is still fully alert and posed when I snapped a few photos in the cab.

We stayed in on Wednesday and Thursday (and luck has it, both days were gloriously SUNNY!). See how the two of them getting along at play... actually, sometimes they get along fine while other times, they just can't! Shean Wenn has a tendency to cry (yes, with tears) when Tobey gets excited and "shouted" at her. She is a little diva, she doesn't like loud noises or sudden noises. Hmmph, what am I to do with her? I suggested to the hubs sometime back that it would be a good idea to bring her out to playgroups once in awhile. We will see how that goes - that is, IF i can find a suitable one near our place. I need to research harder.

THURSDAY NIGHT : we went out for dinner at a tapas restaurant! Both babies were also relatively well-behaved here. Phew!

1 comment:
you managed to fit two strollers into one if those London cabs?? You mean the kids were still in their strollers?
looks like both of them are going to grow up being playmates
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