Shean Wenn meets with Tobey again. This time, for a week.
This evening, Tobey's dad decided to pop into the shop to get this for him. Tobey is a gracious host and decides to share his
toy laptop with Shean Wenn.

Tobey :
"Ok Shean Wenn, I let you type on my spanking new laptop. Go ahead!"
SW :
"Ok Tobey. Thanks"

Tobey :
"Shean Wenn, can you please let me have a go at it as well?"
SW :
"No Tobey, you can use the mouse"

Tobey :
"Uhh, Shean Wenn.. you have been typing for a long time....."
SW :
*busy typing*

Tobey :
"Give it back to me .. or else ......"
SW :

Tobey :
"Gee, I have been relegated to using this laptop instead (it has way far too little keys. Where is the QWERTY keyboard?)?"

SW :
" Teeheehee.... all to myself!"

Tobey spotted the
REAL adult laptop! Smart boy...

After their dinners : There they go again..... just can't get enough of it!!
Smart Babies. Both of them are so cute. It is fun watching babies interact. Mmm... I wonder what happened to sw's nose ?!?!
Tech-savvy babies! Cuteeeeee!
Smart geeks. Are you both in MK for a whole week? A warm hello to Tobey and his parents too!
whoa cool....sw already has her own lappy eh...
KC Tan :You are indeed sharp! Her nose - she fell down and scraped the carpet so that is why her nose had a small red patch there. :(
Roslyn : thanks!
Praveen : Not MK, N'ton-la!
mumbojumbo : Hehe, Shean Wenn's laptop is the colourful one (without the QWERTY keyboard). The one with QWERTY keyboard (ie, more "realistic") belongs to Tobey :) But we are contemplating to buying one for her soon.
Oh.. Sorry to hear that. In fact, Yong Shuan fell as well last week and hit on his nose. *Heartache*
sooooooooo... cute!
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