Her term started in April and at that time, she was 2 years 10 months old. The first day of class was pretty chaotic with parents scrambling to get the uniforms, get the feet measured for their ballet shoes and settling the kids. Shean Wenn was pretty clingy the 1st two classes and wanted me to be next to her throughout the class. However, by the 3rd class, she has settled on herself and allow me to be away from her but still in the room. By the 4th class, the teacher has requested that I leave the class :( (There were about 2 other kids who still needed their moms next to them. Infact, one of my friend's daughter refused to join the class and will sit & watch from the floor). Different kids, different strokes, eh.
Anyway both Meng & I can tell that she enjoys her ballet classes very much and she is very enthusiastic about her lessons. The only qualms I have is that I have to wake up at 7am every Saturday morning to prepare her for the class, and I'm not exactly a morning person! I do make sure that she gets her milk & some breakfast before her class so that she isn't hungry during her dances. I know how it feels having to attend classes on an empty stomach and it isn't a ncie feeling.
10 July 2010 : Last day of term and Parent's Day.
This is the day the parents are invited into the class to witness what the kids do during their ballet classes. The class is also conducted in a different hall from her usual class (a much better place with mirrors on the wall and laminated flooring instead of cement floor!). Also, Ms Lydie the ballet teacher has decided to hire a pianist accompanying the class (this is for next term). I think it makes so much more sense.

1) Start of the class : Teacher ensuring the kids do some warm-up by asking them to sit up straight & tall and doing their "pointy toes"/"bunny ears".
2) Forming a circle
3) Everyone in a circle sitting down during one of their various activities.
4) Ms Lydie guiding Shean Wenn to sit up straight & tall.
5 & 6) Listening and following instructions from the teacher.
7) Ms Lydie guiding the class.
Here're some videos I took of the class :
1 : One of their activities (alot of imagination involved)
2) Shean Wenn doing the Pony Trot : When I watched it again, i went "Awwww!" - my heart skipped a beat as I watch my not-so-little daughter progress in class.

Proud parents with Shean Wenn. She's actually a real morning person just like her dad! Mommy is the night-owl (see, I'm still editing & blogging this at 1am).

Oh..she is so so cute in these videos. Lovely SW..
OMG! She is sooooooo cute and graceful. You've done the right thing enrolling her to the class. And she's having so much fun too!
Her dancing looks so dainty...so very English, I'm expecting tea and crumpets :) Adorable lah. The teacher seems really nurturing too.
Truly a ballerina in the making! :)
Ladies, yes, she really enjoys her ballet classes.
Lilian : So english you expect tea & crumpets?? Muahaha, expecting them to drop out of where? The teacher's French & I'm not sure how nurturing she is but I can't help but find that she should really brush up on remembering the kids' names - one of the videos she was heard calling a kid the wrong name before correcting herself. It's happened many times before and I know she's got lots of kids to remember and I myself can't remember names very well but I just think teachers should know her students by name. Too harsh?8
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