Over the weekend we had a small "family" celebration with SIL Alicia at a restaurant in the city.
But on the actual day, which was yesterday, I decided to bake her a flourless Chocolate Cloud Cake after accidentally stumbling upon a photo of one that Soo Yin has baked. She made it looked SO tantalising & beautiful I thought I should check out the recipe. True enough, it wasn't too difficult to make. I had a trial session with my friend Michelle the Friday before and it turned out pretty good.
So on Tue afternoon (23 June), I started to bake the cake for her. I have also been given some really helpful and interesting idea by Mich for how to decorate it (With her name). It smelt absolutely good when it was out of the oven. Then after cooling it down, I put it into the fridge & at night (it was 1am!) I did some cut-out of Shean Wenn's name.
In the morning, I made the whip cream to be put on top and lay out her name on the whipped cream before sprinkling some Cinnamon powder so that her name appears on the cloud. I realised some of the alphabets didn't appear very well, but it's ok.. it's the imperfections that make it perfect! ;) I then added some blueberries on top.

Everyone in the playgroup said it looked stunning! I told them that it was my 2nd time baking and I think I can sense some hesitation from them to try. HAHAHA!!!
Anyway during mealtime, Katie the centre manager brought out the cake singing a birthday song (it was a Steiner-style song and I don't remember the words now). Katie put on 2 beeswax candle on it, it looked quite amazing, doesn't it?

Shean Wenn was so delirious & excited when the cake was put infront of her. She has also been anticipating blowing out the candles. She knows it's her cake (because I told her so)! Look how excited she is!
Anyway, the cake received very good response. Infact "good" is an understatement (Ceh, self-praise). :P Comments were that it was just "SO RIGHT" - not too sweet, just the right texture & rich-ness and the cream that accompany the dark chocolate cake was just the right complement. One of the mom, Anna also loved the hint of cinnamon powder. I guess the cinnamon powder is an acquired taste, some people don't like the smell & taste of cinnamon powder. Needless to say, I felt very proud & happy that it went so well.
And most people who know me will know I don't bake at all - I find it too troublesome and not worth the effort but I think for my darling Shean Wenn, I am willing to do it! Isn't this what they call motherly love? :D
The day also coincided with the kindergarten's Summer Fete! Like last year's, there were booths selling food & arts & crafts & some other products. This year there are also face-painting but I chose to remian indoors most of the time because it was just too hot out here - felt it I was being baked. Also, I didn't bring our sunblock along and eventhough Laura, a friend of mine handed me her tube, I only put on for SW and not myself.
The kids happily playing indoors!

I managed to score some amazing bargains at their stalls : SW chose this red Puma bag & i got it for a mere 10p! She also wanted a whistle at 10p and I got her another hand-woven felt-bag for 50p. (The one with the silver star infront)

Thanks to :
Soo Yin : For her cake photography has inspired me to bake this
Michelle : For patiently guiding me the 1st time, and also for her equipments she loaned me (Electrical Whisk & Weighing Scale).
Once again, TL, you are a natural in baking! Lucky Shean Wenn! Happy birthday again to the little happy bunny :)
Happy Birthday darling SW! : )
Since you are so good at it, you will be baking more often then?
ML : Hehe.. a happy restless bunny, she is! And thanks, hopefully it's not just a fluke that the cake turne dout good :P
Yen : Thanks Mai Yen! But no, don't think I will bake more often. If you come over then of course for special occasion I will bake for you ler!
Happy Birthday SW!
I jumped when I first saw cardboard on the cake - I'm glad you didn't eat it!
nice cake and wah..she looks so cute yea..girlie and princessy and all in her outfit with bag and baby doll and all.....
Praveen : Sorry to have scared you! :P But no, cardboard doesn't taste good with chocolate & cream.
mom2ashley : Yes yes yes.. i know! I bet that's how Ashley is as well. :D Girls will always be girls.
Hey sis! Did you get my sms?? Anyways i bought a card for SW but i forgot to mail it coz i didn't have your address..hahaha sorry!
Anyways nice good looking cake! And yeah you never bake!! But of course exception lar..hahha you must be so proud!!
SW looks sooo pretty there! Yea growing up to be more girly girly!
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