On 1st June, I made my way down to the park with SW. I had looked at the weather forecast and knew that today & tomorrow (2 June) were the only days with brilliant spell of sunshine & high temperature (mid-20's) this week. I slapped on sunscreen for the both of us, brought some essentials down (some toys, water, baby wipes , etc) and headed to the park. The walk to the park can be interesting if I bring her along the "longer" route, via the pathway next to the Thames River - she likes to glance and tell me what she sees on the way. For example "Momma, ants!", "Boat", "Bird chirp chirp, fly!" (she will also clasp her mouth and laugh when she says certain things **rolls eyes** - she certainly is a very chatty & happy toddler).
However, on that day, we didn't go the long route. I arrived and met my friend - a nanny to two gorgeous girls (their parents are Malaysians). MZ was there and she was all prepared, ie the kids were donned in swimming suits and playing happily in the shallow pool there. Now, I don't usually allow SW to go into the pool because it always looked a little dirty to me. But that day I had a better look. They changed the water everyday and since it was early part of the day (around 11am), the pool's water was still very clean and only another 3 or 4 other kids were playing along.. SW pleaded to me to let her in. Actually she had been pestering me to bring her "swim swim" for the past week - I kept hearing "Momma, go outside swim!!" (Yes, she manages to speak in sentences now. Very very interesting.) I thought "Why not! Don't be such a spoil-sport".
Needless to say, she happily went in and played in the water and an hour later, I had to drag her out kicking and screaming. Ok, maybe not kicking but she was not very pleased. I had to reason with her that she needs to eat lunch and drink some water, besides, KaYee & JoYee (her friends) are already dressed. SW agreed.

Oh, and I cut my hair the week before. Nice? It feels lighter, that's for sure. And shampooing these days takes just 10secs. Best is no more tangled hair.
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